Hello everyone! First
news since the launch of the blog, but that does not mean we do not go forward on the contrary!
We work primarily on cases 1 and 2. Case 1 is almost fully translated and is being programming and will be on a first draft patch. Then comes the 2, etc. ...
Introduction Case 2
gonna be heavy, because we are assisted by a very talented designer, Secretmonster, who has already figured out how to translate "picture objects" such as evidence, profiles, buttons and many elements of the decor, in short the real work of pro.

Surely little news for a while, we're right in the longest stage of translation and time-consuming: the modification scripts. As soon as the result we meet, we will post a profit, and if conditions permit, a provisional first patch.
Your patience will be rewarded soon! Stay tuned for the adventures of Benjamin Hunter!