Just because I loved this video posted on The Sartorialist . For me everything he speaks, falling in love a little more every day to keep his eyes open to the world, all this (I could cite many more if I understood everything haha) ... Life is a little dream for me.
I do not like being asked what I want to do later. I do not make career plans, but above all I hate having to choose one path, then there are so many possibilities, so much to do. It's pretty scary to think of things we would like to do during our life and among these, the number of things you could never do, for lack of time or opportunity. Finally, I know mostly what I do not want to do, but even these things, I can not guarantee that I would not want at one time or another.
But when I see someone as brilliant as Scott Schumann (<3) parler de leur vie aussi passionnément, j'ai juste envie de faire ce qu'ils font, d'avoir ce qu'il ont. De toute manière, "photographe" a toujours été une des multiples réponses que j'ai envisagé de donner à la question "tu veux faire quoi plus tard?".
The relationship I have with my future is rather schizophrenic. But the longer it goes, the more "visual life" which Scott speaks in the video makes me want . I always had a relationship, say with my aesthetic environment, since more I discovered the Internet. That's why I love spending time on the net, not to needlessly lose my time (well almost no aha) but just because it's almost as if, I quote: "The Whole World Open to you now. "
I come back very quickly tell you about my life in pictures. Great week! :)
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