I'll Do Anything for you, anything you want me to.
Today I was do some shopping. I had gone and said I was not intending to buy anything in view of my income is devastating, but I had nothing else to do. I even said that at worst, I will sit in a cafe to read Bonjour Tristesse (which is a very good novel, I should read more Sagan). And so obviously, I am left with a Rolling Stones T-shirt for Zara Man, an album of Velvet Underground, and the last two varnishes Jealous.
I took tonight to take some pictures of my Christmas gifts.
My parents bought me a bag Arthur & Aston for my classes, I was tired of my old Eastpack, and backpacks in general (not very flattering, especially with heels). But I'm afraid that in the busy days, all my things do not fit not my bag ...
I was offered two bracelets otherwise: a team with my sister, Lucky, with the phrase of the song that I love Marilyn Monroe "I want to be loved by you, just you" and my aunt offered by Morellato with a small red rose. It was nice, I usually hang a whole bunch of stuff at the wrists, because already I love when my bracelets jingle when I make a move, because then some, even if they are as tapes, are things, places or people that are dear to me, things I want to take with me wherever I go.
My mother also gave me two books to make buttons. In My personal ranking of the best sweet dishes, those little things occupy largely the first place, but I'm so anywhere in the kitchen that I might disgust me forever ... Finally aha we'll see.
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