My hair which stank of chlorine, I just went out of the pool. Good thing we do not see my head because the pool gives me the airs of drugged ... But finally, I complain but I will miss swimming. Especially knowing that endurance begins in September. During the month of January. My god.
I pull out my light, which in addition make me want to sing Butterfly light all day, is brilliantly warm. This is not a luxury these days, even if it does snow more here. I hope it will snow for Christmas.
The directory and the phone on my desk because I'm in "research internship desperate" ... It is imperative that I know where to go before the holidays and so far nobody could give me a definite answer, I start to panic slightly. Until now I always repelled the next, by laziness and also because I hate calling strangers. That limit if I do not prepare anything I say in my head before calling ... I know it's stupid. There's a name for this phobia that? In addition, my first call I got snubbed as dry with a "nan we take no intern, not at all, goodbye." I love people.
I opened the fifteenth fret of my advent calendar today. I feel like the only take me to the tradition of having allowed only one chocolate a day ... Remnants of my childhood without doubt, I really like wise kid, associable limit. I'm shameless with time I think!
The shortbread, chocolate was for the Christmas party this morning. I had a blast cutting the dough into a star and fir, it makes me feel like Bree Van de Kamp. Except that knowing that I regularly burn my pancakes, that makes him average.
Only two days to go, and then I could do what I want for two whole weeks ... Go to bed at 2am, get up at noon, go to the cinema, the geek, go out, see my friends who are not in my school. I can not wait! Good weekend.
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